Fachartikel in: shape UP – Das Themenheft für Studioleiter, Ausgabe 3-4 Sommer 2018, Seite 24-30

Themenheft digitale Praxis – Das Ziel bleibt der Mensch chefsache: Digital kann – kreativ muss basics_eins Perfekt auf der digitalen Welle reiten basics_zwei Zwischen Disruption und Transformation sales funnel Wie Sie sich neue Mitglieder eintrichtern werben&verkaufen Trainieren kann jeder – verkaufen aber nicht influencer Die Schlüssel zu den sozialen Netzwerken, von Sanjay Sauldie youtube Fünf […]
Frau Carmen Escherich, Marketing, Bay-Soft GmbH – Branchenlöung Elektronik

Der Vortrag in München von Herrn Sauldie war außerordentlich interessant und kurzweilig. Ich gewann viele neue Erkenntnisse zum Thema Internetmarketing. Welches Potential eine Website hat, war mir bis Dato nicht bewusst. Viele der Tipps haben wir bereits in die Tat umgesetzt.Frau Carmen Escherich, Marketing, Bay-Soft GmbH – Branchenlöung Elektronikwww.Bay-Soft.de
“Many new insights”: Carmen Escherich, Marketing, Bay-Soft GmbH – Branchenlöung Elektronik

Mr Sauldie’s lecture in Munich was extremely interesting and entertaining. I gained many new insights into the topic of internet marketing. I was not aware of the potential of a website until now. We have already put many of the tips into practice. Ms Carmen Escherich, Marketing, Bay-Soft GmbH – Industry Solution Electronics www.Bay-Soft.de
Herr Alexander Holthuizen, Country Manager, inkClub AB

Wisdom of knowledge: An old Indian saying goes: I can bring the horse to the water, but I cannot make him drink. Someone else said the trick is not to bring the horse to the river, it is to make him thirsty. Sanjay Sauldie does just that – Thank you! Herr Alexander Holthuizen, Country Manager, […]
“Sanjay Sauldie is an old Indian with wisdom of knowledge” Herr Alexander Holthuizen, Country Manager, inkClub AB

Wisdom of knowledge: An old Indian saying goes: I can bring the horse to the water, but I cannot make him drink. Someone else said the trick is not to bring the horse to the river, it is to make him thirsty. Sanjay Sauldie does just that – Thank you! Herr Alexander Holthuizen, Country Manager, […]